Monday, November 27, 2006

u're back to a lala, gto

ok. 29 over 40 is not low.

bt for all the effort that we poured for this small assignment, 29 IS HELL WAY TOO LOW!!! i seldom say i deserve higher marks because i blieve i have super low self-esteem- studies wise...considering i was being ACCUSED to being over confident back in standart 5 by my lovely bm teacher. :D...i am so not forgiving! WAHAHAHAH

--->GTO Quote- no matter how well u all do, the highest i'd give is either a B- or a C

can i get a lawyer and sue him for wat he has said? SUM1 PULL ME BACK!!! I'M GRABBING THE AXE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*pours water on self*....

i have an excuse not to graduate with a first class honours.


on a happier note...

juet baan yuen ngang tin si mak gei t shirt...('s not juet baan. who cares. ;D)


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